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1 November 2000

Development and Unemployment: Prospects

The study examines the causes of the phenomenon and the necessary economic policy in order to address unemployment in the long term.
22 September 1999

The Size and Dynamics of Tourism Sector

The study estimates the domestic added value produced directly and indirectly from tourism demand, in order to determine the dynamics of the tourism sector compared to other developed sectors of production.
29 June 1999

Input-Output Tables of Greek Tourism Economy

The study records the interaction of tourism sector with the other sectors of Greek economy. Those data are a significant tool for analysis and forecast.
2 April 1999

Olympic Games 2004 and their Impact on Greek Tourism

The study is the first scientific attempt to analyze the impact of Olympic Games on Greek Tourism.
24 November 1998

Seasonality in Greece and in Competitor Countries.

The study examines the timeline of tourism demand in Greece compared to competitor countries, the alternatives in tourism development and a policy frame aiming to reduce seasonality.
9 June 1998

World tourism panorama

The first section of the study examines the current situation of world international tourism and its dynamics. In the second section medium-long term forecasts are recorded in an overall level and by region.